This is the webpage of Dr. Robert B. Kauffman. Dr. Kauffman is retired from Frostburg State University. Topical webpages are listed below and serve as a table of contents.
Please note that the email and phone number on my Frostburg State University webpage are no longer current.
- Boating Safety and Expert Witness
- Swiftwater Rescue Manual and Graphics
- Rafting Manual and Graphics
- Park and Facility Design – Designing the Experience
- Risk Management and the Accident Process
- Prepping and Surviving the Unexpected Emergency
- Pamphlets
- YouTube Channel (Scholedale Productions)
- Contact Information
For over the past twenty plus years, Dr. Kauffman has had roughly one to two active expert witness cases per year. Most of these cases have involved whitewater rafting and canoeing cases. The canoeing cases involved canoe liveries, camps, and youth groups. Dr. Kauffman has worked for both the plaintiff and defense. This page contains the boating safety highlights of Dr. Kauffman, book, manuals, and chapters written by him, his non-boating involvement, expert witness rates, and contact information. Click below to advance to the boating safety and expert witness page.
Swiftwater Rescue Manual & Graphics

As part of his boating safety involvement, Dr. Kauffman has instructed and co-instructed the ACA Swiftwater Rescue Course as part of the Adventuresports Major at Garrett College. The culmination of this teaching experience was the compilation of the Swiftwater Rescue Manual. The manual and materials are available as open resource materials. The contents of this page include a disclaimer, the manual, and selected graphics for downloading.
Rafting Manual and Graphics

As part of his boating safety involvement, Dr. Kauffman has co-instructed the ACA Rafting Course as part of the Adventuresports Major at Garrett College. The culmination of this teaching experience was the compilation of the Rafting Manual. The manual and materials are available as open resource materials. The contents of this page include a disclaimer, the manual, and selected graphics for downloading.
Park and Facilities – Designing the Experience

Part of Dr. Kauffman’s academic preparation in the graduate area was in the area of park management. In addition, he taught a course in park and facility design which incorporated some of this content. He has had a continuing interest in “designing the experience” which is short for designing the park or resource area to deliver the desired experience. This is the common thread throughout the chapters of the text, and materials and videos presented on this page.
Risk Management and the Accident Process

Dr. Kauffman’s involvement in risk management and the accident process parallels and complements his involvement in boating safety. He has written a textbook and written numerous articles on the subject. In addition, several of his films and videos incorporate the accident process. He taught a course on the topic.
Prepping and Surviving the Unexpected Emergency

Dr. Kauffman developed and taught an interdisciplinary course in the General Education Program (GEP) on prepping and Surviving the Unexpected Emergency. Prepping utilize many of the camping and outdoor skills which facilitate the crossover. The materials on this page are a continuing work in progress and continually evolving. [This page is under development and a draft is included for the map and compass materials.]
YouTube Channel
Dr. Kauffman has his own YouTube channel, Scholedale Productions. It contains over eighty videos categorized into the areas listed below. The purpose of these pages is to help organize the videos for users.
- Volunteer Outdoor Leadership Skills
- Accident Prevention and Risk Management
- Park Management
The best way to contact Dr. Kauffman is through email. Please note that I have retired from Frostburg State University. My FSU email still works and I do check it periodically. My phone number listed on my FSU website are no longer active.
e: kauffman.rbk@gmail.com
c: 240.727.8985